Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Over 1 Million Served - What to make of the Mega Church?

I just watched the movie Jesus Camp. That's worthy of a whole entire post on its own, and I'll get to that another day...but one thing that stood out for me is the whole issue of the Mega Church.

In general, churches throughout North America are struggling. Attendance is declining. Financial viability is shaky.

And then there is the mega church.

It stands in stark contrast to all of the above - huge arena like settings attracting masses of people with professionally turned out worship services and celebrity pastors with rock star like status. And it doesn't stop at Sunday worship - most mega churches also offer a full slate of social activities.

The attraction seems logical - get a professionally packaged Christian experience, on demand. So, what's wrong with that?

Well, it's kinda the Christian equivalent of ordering "the happy meal" at McDonalds. You can just show up and order. The friendly staff will be there to serve you, no worries that somebody may have to actually get involved in running a ministry - that's what we pay for - right? And if you don't show up, who's gonna notice? You think the pastor's gonna know who YOU are...he's got 1,000 people in the audience and a book signing to get to after the service...

Yeah, I'm a bit cynical on the whole mega church...but whadda YOU think?

Monday, March 05, 2007


The importance of obedience

This Christmas, I got a wonderful gift - a little Maltese named Jake. He is 1.5 years old, super cute and extremely DISOBEDIENT.

Oh, its not entirely his fault. His owners didn't spend much time with him and he was raised in a garage, where he could do his business all over everything. Now that he's in our home, the rules are much more strict. He needs to learn how to be obedient so that he can co-exist well with us (and with the cat, but that's another story...)

But, the real value of obedience didn't sink in for me until this incident...

It was around 11pm and I remembered that I hadn't checked the mail yet. I opened the front door just a bit to look in the mailbox and before I knew it, this flash of white fur ran past me. Uh, oh. I called him. No use. He kept going - down the path, onto the sidewalk ands towards a busy street. In a panic, I grabbed my shoes and keys. I raced down the sidewalk, calling him the whole time. He keep on running - barking happily, oblivious to the danger of the road ahead. I could feel my heart pounding, I was pleading with him to stop, come, stay- anything!

Somehow, I got him home - but not before a women in a very large Ford pickup pulled in front of my house and said "Is that your little white dog? He ran out right in front of me and I almost hit him." We enrolled in obedience class a week later.

Obedience. Sometimes its for our own good.

I wonder how God feels about some of my behaviours - when I go racing down the metaphorical street, oblivious to the dangers lying ahead. Is he chasing after me, heart pounding, calling my name, hoping I'll stop, come, stay!

Sometimes being obedient to God is a real drag. It means going against my self-gratifying nature in favour of doing what God wants. It might mean spending my precious time or money doing work that God values instead of on hobbies or things that I want. And even if I get the actions right, I'm pretty sure its not just "going through the motions" obedience that God is after. I think its obedience of the heart. There have been plenty of times in my life when I physically show up for something, but my heart is feeling resentful the whole time - like I wish I didn't have to be here doing this - gripe and grumble! Time for an attitude adjustment - that is what I mean by obedience of the heart.

Yes, being obedient is tough work. For doggies and for humans.

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