Wednesday, November 22, 2006


You Must Increase, I Must Decrease...Lord

I've had this song stuck in my head for about a week now and I thought that if I blog about might go away. Its You Must Increase by Matt Redman....

I will lift you high...and bow down low
How high can you be?
How low can I go?

You must increase, I must decrease Lord.
I'll bow down and you will be adored.

I feel challenged as I think about this song and type out the words...because I don't want to decrease! I know its good for me to decrease and let God increase and I want to WANT to be the type of person that willingly lets God take over. Its like Mark 9:15-29 - the father of a boy who is posessed by a demon goes to Jesus to ask for help. Jesus says to him "Everything is possible for him who believes." The man responds "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief." I do want to decrease, but help me overcome my desire to not want to decrease.

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