Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Maybe this is normal....

I'm going to start by not apologizing for the infrequency of my posts. Maybe its normal to only post once a month. With that out of the way...

My small group has been studying Genesis. Nothing like getting back to the basics. We had quite a discussion last week about Genesis 3 - the fall of mankind. One thing that has always bothered me (being a woman) is the whole blaming of Eve (or womankind) for the fall. To recap....

The sneaky serpent (for reasons not clearly spelled out, but largely attributable to Satan) engages Eve in a dialogue about the trees in the garden....did God REALLY say you cannot eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge...he just said that because he doesn't want you to be like him...(you get the picture). Eve (being naive and willful) decides that the fruits looks good, eats some and then gives some to Adam. And that spells the beginning of the end.

So here's the part that stood out for me - Adam was present during the whole exchange! The bible says she gave some to her husband "who was with her". He was there.

For some reason, I've always seen Adam as a bit of an innocent in the whole affair. The wife comes home with some fruit and he gets duped into eating it without examining its whereabouts. But no, the guy is actually ON THE SCENE during the whole serpent exchange. No wonder God questions him first.

I've read Genesis countless times, but this is the first time I saw those four little words - "who was with her". Its amazing how a small detail changes your whole perspective. The consequences of the fall remain the same, but Adam and Eve are equally culpable.

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